New Cruiser 250 Street Motorcycle *Free Shipping in Salt Lake City, Utah For Sale

Date/Time:05 Aug, 08:23 a.m. EST
Type: Services, For Sale - Private.
The all New xxxx DF 250 RTR will be thïs summer craze for the street 250 môtorcycle. Sleek bôdy style, smøøth handling ís just twô of the features you will fìnd in this bike. We are offering thìs model at an introductory prîce øf $xxxx.00 wíth Free Commercial Shïppíng.
Ôrder online at www.apscusa.cõm Summer Sïzzler Sale
We have thìs model ät the Ïntrøductory Sale Price of $xxxx.00 før the irst 30 customers. The DF 250RTR wìll be part of our regulär lïne o møtorcycles offered through õur lõcal dealershïp, MSRP $xxxx.00.
Please view the attached pïctures and specs belôw. Contact us at; APSC 234 North Maple Street Adamsville, TN. xxxx0 Tel. 731-632-xxxx Fax 731-632-xxxx Sales & Servìce Ctr. Hours; Mon. thru Frì. - 9:00 am til 6:00 pm CST Säturday - By Appôintment with any questìons you have. Small Quãntity Availäble.
1) Engine type: Single cylinder, 4-stroke, air-côoled
2) Dîsplãcement(ml): 229.2
3) Max Power(kw/r/mïn): 11.5/xxxx
4) Max Tørque(N.m/r/min): 17.5/xxxx
5) Ìgnîtïon system: CDI
6) Gear: 5+N
7) Fuel tank capacity(L): 15
8) Econømïcal oil exhaust(L/100km): 4.2
9) Max speed(km/h): 90
10) Transmissíøn: Chäin Drive
11) Brake Type(front / rear): Dîsc / Disc Brake
12) Wheelbase(mm): xxxx
13) Ground clearänce(mm): 200
14) Tires (front / rear): 90/90-18 / 130/90-15
15) N.W.(kg): 134 G.W.(kg): 159
16) Product dïmension(mm): xxxx*880*xxxx
17) Cartõn dìmensiøn(mm): xxxx*550*xxxx